Transparency and Ethics: Our SEO Code of Conduct.

We adhere to business requirements and excellent practices to deliver great, sustainable results for our clients. Our approach is obvious and client-targeted, and we never interact in unethical or spammy practices. Choose our search engine optimization services with confidence, knowing that you rank for what your audience are searching for.

Ethical SEO practices aim to provide a fair and level playing field for all websites, as well as to improve the quality of the search results for users. However, not all SEO practitioners practice safe-SEO, and unethical practices can result in penalties, or even a loss of expertise, authority, and trust, leading to a drop in traffic.

To prevent such issues, all SEO practitioners should adhere to the SEO Code of Ethics, which ensure that websites are safe and performing well in the organic search engine results. In this page, we will discuss the SEO Code of Conduct-

1. All SEO practitioners will offer their clients both internal and external dispute resolution procedures.

Disputes can arise in any business relationship, including those between SEO practitioners and their clients. It is essential to have a dispute resolution mechanism in place to address any issues that may arise between the practitioner and the client. SEO practitioners should include a clear and concise dispute resolution section in their contracts, which outlines the steps that will be taken to resolve any disputes. This may include publishing the address and phone numbers on primary web pages, inclusion of third-party dispute resolution links prominently placed within the practitioner’s website, and contracts that discuss dispute resolution. By providing a clear dispute resolution process, SEO practitioners can ensure that any disagreements are addressed in a timely and professional manner.

2. All SEO practitioners will protect the confidentiality and anonymity of their clients with regards to privileged information and items implying testimonial support for the SEO practitioner.

Client confidentiality is a crucial aspect of the client-practitioner relationship. SEO practitioners must ensure that any privileged information provided by clients is protected and kept confidential. Additionally, any testimonial support for the practitioner must be done with explicit approval from the client. The practitioner must ensure that any use of client logos, press releases, or other collateral discussing the client is done with permission and in a manner that does not harm the client’s reputation.

3. All SEO practitioners will work to their best ability to increase or retain the rankings of client sites.

Clients hire SEO practitioners to improve and maintain the search engine rankings of their websites. SEO practitioners have an obligation to use appropriate and allowed technology and methodologies to improve and maintain their client’s rankings. This includes staying up-to-date with the latest search engine technology, competition, and client website needs. The practitioner must use their best judgment to ensure that the client’s website remains relevant and optimized for search engines.


4. No SEO practitioner will engage in cloaking or doorway pages.

Cloaking is the practice of presenting different content to search engines and users in order to deceive search engines and improve rankings, while doorway pages are pages designed solely to rank in search engines and redirect visitors to another page. Both practices are considered spammy and violate search engine guidelines.

5. No SEO practitioner will engage in link schemes.

This includes buying or selling links, exchanging links with unrelated sites solely for the purpose of improving rankings, or participating in link farms or other similar schemes designed to manipulate search engine rankings.

6. No SEO practitioner will engage in keyword stuffing or hidden text.

Keyword stuffing is the practice of excessively using target keywords on a page in an effort to manipulate search engine rankings, while hidden text is the practice of hiding text on a page from users but making it visible to search engines. Both practices violate search engine guidelines.

7. No SEO practitioner will engage in negative SEO.

Negative SEO is the practice of using unethical tactics to harm a competitor’s rankings, such as building spammy links to their site or hacking their site.

8. All SEO practitioners will provide transparency and regular reporting to their clients.

Clients have the right to know what work is being done on their behalf and how their website is performing in search engines. SEO practitioners should provide regular reports on keyword rankings, traffic, and other relevant metrics.

9. All SEO practitioners will stay up to date with the latest search engine guidelines and industry best practices.

SEO is an ever-changing field, and it is the responsibility of practitioners to stay current with the latest guidelines and best practices to ensure they are providing ethical and effective services.

10. No SEO practitioner will engage in spamming.

This includes sending unsolicited emails, comments, or messages to promote a website or build links.

11. All SEO practitioners will respect intellectual property rights.

This includes avoiding the use of copyrighted material without permission and respecting trademark and branding guidelines.

12. All SEO practitioners will respect the privacy of website visitors.

This includes complying with privacy laws and guidelines, such as the GDPR and CCPA, and avoiding the collection of personal information without consent.

13. All SEO practitioners will promote a positive image of the SEO industry.

SEO has a reputation for being spammy and unethical, and it is the responsibility of practitioners to promote a positive image by providing ethical and effective SEO services, sharing knowledge and resources, and supporting industry initiatives to improve standards and transparency.

In conclusion, following an SEO Code of Ethics is crucial for ethical and effective SEO practices. SEO practitioners must maintain integrity, honesty, and transparency in their work, ensuring that they always act in the best interests of their clients. By adhering to the above SEO Code of Ethics, SEO practitioners can build trust with their clients, maintain their reputation, and avoid penalties or negative consequences. As SEO practices evolve and search engines continue to update their algorithms, it is essential for SEO practitioners to stay up-to-date with ethical practices and continue to adhere to these ethical standards.